Images of God’s Glory

Redeeming Identity exists to help people know God. Not just know about God, but know who He truly is, has been, and will always be.

Throughout our lives, we have created our own corrupted perspective of who God is. We redeem God’s identity in our own lives as we replace our corrupted perspectives of God with the truth of who He is. As we discover who God is, we are better able to know who we have been created to be.

In Romans, Paul states that all people have the opportunity to know who God is.

For what can be know about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.

Romans 1:19-20

In the same way that we can know others by observing what they do, we can know God through what He has done, His creation. The images provided, with the corresponding thoughts, give us an opportunity to learn more about who God is, through observation of the work of His hands.

Dios Mi Fortaleza

Dios Mi Fortaleza

Dios Mi Foraleza is Spanish for God is My Fortress. The belief that God is our fortress changes how we view our world and circumstances because of who He is.

Radiance of Glory

Radiance of Glory

The recent eclipse across the country reminds us of the absolute brilliance of God’s glory and how we can reflect His glory to a dark world

Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace

The song “Let There be Peace on Earth” communicates everyone’s desire for peace on Earth. When we think about peace, do we think about it from a Biblical perspective? When Jesus came as the Prince of Peace, He made a way for us to experience a new type of peace. Learn about the gifts of peace that we can receive from our Prince of Peace.

Righteous Bighorn Sheep

Righteous Bighorn Sheep

Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep While driving through the Thompson River Canyon in northern Colorado, we came across a herd of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. The moment we stopped to take some pictures, the bighorns climbed the side of the canyon to escape the curious...

Image Gallery

A gallery of the different images from this collection of articles has been created so you can view past images and access previous articles.

Please enjoy reviewing the images and taking time to meditated on God’s demonstration of who He is.

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