Redeeming Identity

Discovering who we can be by knowing who He is.


Our vocation is not simply to be, but to work together with God in the creation of our own life, our own identity… The secret of my full identity is hidden in Him.

– Thomas Merton

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Redeeming “Identity”

Redeeming “Identity”

As the month of June is a time to celebrate the different expressions of identity, it is a good moment to reflect on God’s meaning and purpose for our identity.

Radiance of Glory

Radiance of Glory

The recent eclipse across the country reminds us of the absolute brilliance of God’s glory and how we can reflect His glory to a dark world

Introducing Identity in Loveland, CO

Introducing Identity in Loveland, CO

Introducing Identity in Loveland, CoGrace Community Church is an independent non-denominational church in Loveland, Colorado. The mission of this fellowship of believers is to "Know Jesus and Make Him Known." This past month we had the opportunity to introduce...

Welcome to Redeeming Identity!

Redeeming Identity is a ministry focused on the Biblical understanding and communication of who we were created to be, our true identity.


Developing resources that clearly communicate about Biblical identity.


Teaching people the importance of focusing on identity for true transformation.


Working with individuals to discover their identity and disciple others using identity


In Development

Redeeming Identity

Discovering the Way Designed for You

Non-Fiction Book

We each have an identity, which defines who we are at our core and influences everything we do. Redeeming Identity is a reminder that God is interested in more than just providing us a pathway to heaven or changing our action, He wants to redeem who we are. It is only as we recognize that we currently are living from a corrupted identity can we begin the process of redeeming our identity and become who we were created to become.

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