What’s in a Brand?

What’s in a Brand?

What’s in a Brand?   What’s your color? When I moved to Austin, TX there were a lot of aspects of the central Texas culture that I needed to learn. One that I quickly observed was the people’s love of the color orange. Not just any orange, but a...
Dios Mi Fortaleza

Dios Mi Fortaleza

DIOS MI FORTALEZA El Morro When traveling to other countries, one site that visitors from the states want to experience are medieval castles or fortresses. Partially, this is because there are very few such massive stone structures in the states. We marvel when we see...
Identity Sermon Series in Loveland, CO

Identity Sermon Series in Loveland, CO

Share on Facebook/Meta Identity Sermon Series in Loveland, Co The purpose of Redeeming Identity is to share with people the importance that God puts on our identity and how to discover who we were created to be. He knows that we live out of who we are. This requires a...

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