Introducing Identity in Loveland, CO

Introducing Identity in Loveland, CO

Introducing Identity in Loveland, Co Grace Community Church is an independent non-denominational church in Loveland, Colorado. The mission of this fellowship of believers is to “Know Jesus and Make Him Known.” This past month we had the opportunity to...
Identity Conversation #1

Identity Conversation #1

Identity Conversation #1 In posting articles and information on the website, we hoped we could start conversations related to various aspects of identity. Our first conversation started with an email from a friend that visited the website and had some questions. As a...
Pork Chops, Identity, and Arete

Pork Chops, Identity, and Arete

Pork Chops, IDentity, and AretÉ The Perfect Pork Chop I enjoy food and travel, which is a perfect combination for trying foods from restaurants around the country. When I am trying a restaurant in a new city, I will frequently order the same dish, pork chops, if it is...
Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace I am one of those that enjoy listening to Christmas music. Starting the day after Thanksgiving, any time opportunity arises, I play the music on my Christmas music playlist. (The Christmas playlist is actually playing as I am writing.) I have collected...

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