HE so I Project is Coming

HE so I Project is Coming

PROJECT is Coming “God made us in His image and never meant for us to mirror anything less than himself.” A.W. Tozer Identity Crisis There is an identity crisis in our modern culture. An identity crisis can be understood as a fundamental uncertainty about...
Sharing Names in Windsor

Sharing Names in Windsor

Sharing Names in Windsor What is your name? One of the most important decisions in our life is our name. It is one of the first things that people know about us. We use our name to identify ourselves as different from the others around us. On Sunday, February 23,...
What’s in a Brand?

What’s in a Brand?

What’s in a Brand?   What’s your color? When I moved to Austin, TX there were a lot of aspects of the central Texas culture that I needed to learn. One that I quickly observed was the people’s love of the color orange. Not just any orange, but a...

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