HE is ... so I can be ... !

HE so I Project Podcast

The HE so I Project is for anyone who wants to discover who they were created to be through knowing the God who create them. Co-hosted by author and identity coach, Dr. Eric Moyer, and pastor Erik Miller.

During each episode, the hosts focus their discussion on a new way that God has revealed Himself. Through the discussion of God’s identity and how He has created our identity, we can discover additional aspects of our own identity and how we live them out.

As with the other aspects of the HE so I Project, the goal of the project is to help people grow in their knowledge of God and who He created them to be.

Watch the video podcast here on the website or on the Redeeming Identity channel on You Tube.

Podcast Introduction

Episode 0: Introducing the HE so I Podcast

The hosts of the HE so I Project podcast have been discussing the identity of God and how this impacts our identity for years. Now with this podcast, they ask others to join them in this important conversation. In this introduction, they share what listeners will learn from each episode as we learn to know Him so we can discover who we can be.

If you would like to just listen to the podcast for this episode, you can use the player below. You can access the podcast through either Apple podcast, Amazon Prime podcast, Spotify, IHeart, and You Tube.



“The human race is suffering from

a collective identity crisis.”

Kevin Vanhoozer

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